MONTHLY MUSIC & TIPS: Irish Blessing
This musical presentation of Irish Blessing is a beautiful hymn-style original composition
written by Stacy Piontek, inspired by the words of the traditional blessing,
“May the road rise up to meet you,” which literally means “May your journey be successful.”
Stacy Piontek, noted recording artist, performer, and composer, is especially known for his
hymn arrangements and orchestral approach to the organ in worship. He is frequently called
upon to conduct his popular workshops on blended worship and is widely recognized for his
versatility of styles. Mr. Piontek has served several church denominations as Minister of Music
or Organist/Music Associate, and has been a school music educator. He has a passion for
promoting and sustaining the leadership of the organ in church music. Mr. Piontek is the
National Sales Representative—North America for Rodgers Instruments US LLC and for the
Global Organ Group.