
Infinity Installations

Rodgers’ Infinity Series organs faithfully deliver the rich and dynamic sound of the traditional pipe organ with an unmatched realism along with a user experience that provides everything organists want and need to perform their best. Every pipe organ stop on a Rodgers Infinity Series organ is expertly sampled using a proprietary high-resolution recording process. Each stop is independently sampled from renowned organs around the world. No borrowing, no duplications. When a note is played, Rodgers’ Dimensional Imaging™ projects sound along the same paths that pipe organ sound flows, for brilliant spatial presence and multi-directional sound characteristics.

From leading congregational singing to captivating concert hall audiences, Infinity Series organs shine in every environment. These organs feature a wide range of tonal genres, exceptional musical expressiveness, and unmatched versatility, providing everything that today’s organists want and need to perform their best.

This story celebrates several installations of the 3-manual Infinity 367 and the 4-manual Infinity 489.

The first Rodgers Infinity 367 debuted with world-renowned organist Cameron Carpenter and the Santa Barbara Symphony on March 19 & 20, 2022. This was a temporary installation by our representative Nelson Dodge of Church Keyboard Center.

In October of 2022, St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church in Goshen, Indiana, replaced their 50-year-old Rodgers Organ with a new Infinity 367.  St John Church has an outstanding team of people that worked diligently to make an informed decision on a new instrument for their worship.  James Richardson is the Director of Music & Organist for the Parish and is also the Adjunct Instructor of Organ at nearby Goshen College.  James is also a composer (instrumental & vocal), Hymnographer (text & music), Music Engraver, Plainchant Enthusiast, and lover of the traditional Latin liturgy (for which he has many compositions).  Both James and Fr. Royce Gregerson wanted to hear the sound of real pipes and determined that this was the best first step to realizing that dream.  The second phase of the project will re-model the rear gallery and add several ranks of windblown pipes to add as much visual beauty to the worship space as do the front facades that hide the Antiphonal and Solo Division audio systems.

Rodgers congratulates Our Lady Help of Christians Catholic Church in Jennings, Louisiana, for the installation of their new Infinity Series 367 organ. Dan Miller inducted the instrument with a concert playing a delightful program of classical, sacred, and patriotic repertoire, plus some entertaining secular music, to demonstrate the enormous versatility of the organ. The beautiful tone of the Rodgers Infinity Series rang throughout the church touching the hearts of members of the church and local community. This superb installation comes courtesy of Rodgers representative Raymond Goodrich II of Lafayette Music Co. who matched the sanctuary acoustics and ministry needs of the church perfectly. This beautiful installation will serve them for many years to come.

Congratulations to Apex United Methodist Church, Apex, North Carolina, on their new Rodgers custom Infinity 367 organ. The new Rodgers was installed on a 12-channel audio system and replaces a 1992 Rodgers 785 two-manual organ. The 367 was ordered with a custom finish and moving drawknobs. It comes standard with adjustable bench and music rack, DS (Direct-Streaming) Core technology. Every note of every rank is an individual high-resolution sample. Standard features include velocity-sensing manuals and pedal board, hymn player, record/playback, headphone jack, onboard voicing, sub and super couplers in both the Swell and Choir divisions, possibility of 22 channels, stereo imaging audio and onboard assignable organ and orchestral stops from the organs library. Todd Arant is Director of Music, and Joette Winberry is organist. The Organ Dedication Concert was played by Justin Maxey on Sunday, January 15th, 2023.


Rodgers congratulates the First Baptist Church in Sulphur Springs, Texas, on their installation of an Infinity Series 367. The new Rodgers organ replaces a custom Rodgers Canterbury 950 analog organ installed in 1980, which served the church faithfully for decades. When the time came to replace, First Baptist once again turned to Rodgers and Church Organ Solutions to meet their musical needs. May the new Infinity Series 367 provide you with beautiful music for many more years to come!


Rodgers congratulates All Saints Catholic Church in Lewiston, Idaho, for their installation of a Rodgers Infinity 367 with 38 speaker cabinets.  The 1,000-seat church was built in 2014 and did not previously have an organ.  The parish is excited for a renewal of traditional music, and the Infinity 367 will also compliment contemporary music with its large selection of orchestral voices.




Congratulations to Normandy United Methodist Church in Dayton, Ohio, on the installation of their new Rodgers Infinity 367. Organist Noah Carpenter has been putting it through its paces as has Pastor John Guliano who has a degree in organ. The installation utilizes 20 audio channels which plays through a total of 26 speaker cabinets. This new technology and audio design has led to an amazingly full and authentic sound.

Before the Infinity 367 organ was installed at Normandy UMC, with the church’s permission, it was the featured conference organ at the 2022 National Pastoral Musicians annual convention held in Louisville, Kentucky.



A beautiful addition to a beautiful sanctuary! Congratulations to Saint Joseph Catholic Community, New Hope, Minnesota, a suburb of Minneapolis, for its new Rodgers Infinity Series 367, recently installed by Rodgers Classic Organs.





Rodgers congratulates Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Salisbury, North Carolina.  Pictured at the new Rodgers Infinity 367 Organ are Flora Lester, Director of Sacred Music and Organist, and John Moesbergen, CEO of Rodgers Instruments. This beautiful organ, with custom wooden drawknobs, was recently featured at a Rodgers Instruments North American Dealer Meeting.

The most recent installation of an Arizona Rodgers organ is in Sun City, Arizona. This new Rodgers Infinity Series model 367, which replaces an older Rodgers, was installed at Desert Garden UCC Church by David Wang and his team from Organs AZ in Tempe. This Infinity 367 has 22 channels of speakers and amps. This installation showcases the amazing new technology from Rodgers Instruments and wows the listener with authentic pipe organ samples.


Congratulations to The Church of the Epiphany in Coon Rapids, Minnesota, for their recent installation of a four-manual Rodgers Infinity 489 organ. Rodgers celebrated this location for their 2022 Rodgers Instruments North American dealer meeting to launch the Infinity 489 organs. Pictured are Liz Grefsheim, Director of Music, and Peggy Bartunek, organist and choir accompanist. This beautiful installation by Rodgers Classic Organs features 24 audio channels located in several areas of the beautiful sanctuary.

Rodgers congratulates Kansas State University for the recent stunning installation of their Infinity 489 organ in the beautiful new St. Isidore’s Catholic Student Center, superbly installed by Rankin Organs 150.

Rodgers congratulates The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas, for their installation of a Rodgers Infinity 489 in their 3,500-seat sanctuary. The organ has a double 32-channel sound system, and while very powerful, is also quite refined. Our representative Gerald Oehring and Associates, who has a significant knowledge of pipe organs, says this organ has “the most convincing sounds I have ever heard on a digital organ. The detail in the samples is stunning!” Church of the Resurrection was noted as one of the ‘Top Churches to Watch in America’ and with five campuses, the church has a membership of over 15,000.


Rocky River United Methodist Church in Rocky River, Ohio, had an aging Casavant organ that was proving itself unreliable and cumbersome. Upon hearing another Rodgers pipe and digital hybrid installation nearby, the music director realized the Rodgers Infinity Series was the perfect solution to restore the full musical worship potential for their church. With the Infinity 489 came the addition of 531 premium voices, 61 orchestral stops, Zimbelstern, Chimes, as well as solo and antiphonal divisions. See and hear testimonials about the Rocky River UMC organ: https://youtu.be/Xco3fpdWMTk

See and hear this Rodgers Hybrid 489 organ in performance, played by concert artist Chelsea Chen, in several YouTube videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiwzY77dduZZK6KXgEm13rQ

If you are interested in a Rodgers Infinity 367 or 489 organ for your home, church, or institution, we invite you to contact Rodgers Instruments. Please click the “Contact” tab here on our website.